
Shirt of the Day.


Must be casual Tuesday at Seacrest’s morning show, because Ryan Seacrest showed up this morning wearing a shirt that read “I’m Not a Gardener, I Just Like Hos.”

Seacrest blamed the fact that he must wake up at 4:30am and didn’t realize what shirt he put on, but I think he just wanted people to talk about the fact he likes hos, so that maybe people will believe he actually likes hos.

Image via: Ryan Seacrest.

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One Response to Shirt of the Day.

  1. March 31, 2009 at 12:37 pm #

    Great shirt Ryan!!! Its a Crooked Monkey best seller and can be found here: http://www.crookedmonkey.com/product_info.php?cPath=2&products_id=37

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