New Music from Heidi Montag.


Heidi Montag dropped not one but two singles today, the first  exclusively to Perez Hilton, and the second to Ryan Seacrest.

The first track, titled ‘Your Love Found Me’ has this sort of reggae/ska feel to it, and Perez compared it to Gwen Stefani and No Doub’t song, Bathwater.

If I can be all Simon Cowell for a minute, it’s tolerable, maybe a bit too much like No Doubt’s Bathwater, but definitely something that could score itself a spot on radio play.

The second track, Look How I’m Doing, which you can listen to by clicking here, is a tragedy.

It screams “Hi, I have a bunch of money and you can have it all just use all of your tools to make my voice sound better because I really want to be a musician so work your magic.”

As much as we love Speidi, music might not be in the long term future for Ms. Montag.

Don’t quit your day job, and by day job I mean pretending to work at an event production firm while really just showing up for 20 minutes to film scenes for the not so reality television show.

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