
Demi Moore Saves a Life With Tweets.


The ‘Twitterverse’ is buzzing with a new hero today, Demi Moore, whom is believed to be responsible for saving the life of a woman who was about to kill herself.

Apparently a woman sent an @ reply to ‘MrsKutcher’ last night which read ; “Getting a knife, a big one that is sharp. Going to cut my arm down the whole arm so it doesn’t waste time.”

Demi Re-Tweeted it and posted a reply saying “I hope this is a joke.”

After a bunch of her 380,000 followers became concerned and somehow figured out what police department to call, authorities were able to get to the woman before she killed herself and transport her to the hospital.

I hope they interview this woman and ask her why she felt the need to tell Demi Moore she was going to kill herself before she did it.

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