
Palin Pissed Over Levi Johnson’s Chat With Tyra.


Now that Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol has broken up with her baby’s daddy, Levi Johnson, and the Alaskan governor is off the radar some what for at least the next 4 years, what are the Johnson’s to do for fame and fortune?

Levi Johnson taped an interview with Trya Banks to be shown this weekend, in which he insists him and the Palin daughter are still friends and committed to raising the child together, but also that he’s pretty sure Sarah Palin knew him and her daughter were having sex because when she let them stay in the same room together because, “moms are pretty smart.”

Though Palin herself hasn’t spoken out, a rep for the AK Governor has released a statement saying expressing disappointment.  It said;  “We’re disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship.”

Isn’t it known that the Johnson’s are prime Alaskan white trash and this sort of stuff should not come as a surprise to anyone?

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One Response to Palin Pissed Over Levi Johnson’s Chat With Tyra.

  1. April 5, 2009 at 12:45 pm #

    What a complete BUFOON!!! Lets here it for “Slum Dog Hockey MoM” aka Gov. of Alaska Scara Palin!! She might as well go trecking up into the Alaska out back and hope that some helicopter hunters don’t go mistaking here for a wolf and shoot her like the DOG she is!

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