
Buy Harlow’s Old Threads.


Nicole Richie is auctioning off some of Harlow’s old junk for a good cause!  If you go to Handmedowns.com you have the chance to bid on some of Harlow’s old baby clothes, as well as a stroller and some other goodies.

Some of the items even start at $1.00!

Handmedowns is a site for single mothers to pass on their old baby clothes to other and Nicole is posting her old items on there to help out other mothers.

Proceeds from the Harlow Madden items will go to benefit the Richie Madden Childrens Foundation.

Nicole wrote on the RMCF myspace page;

“When I heard about this auction, I thought about how fortunate I am to be able to give Harlow so many things, from basic essentials to clothes,” Nicole wrote on the Richie Madden Children’s Foundation MySpace. “I have seen first-hand how many children lack the most basic items. I was so happy to clean out her closet and donate some of her hand-me-downs to this auction.”

Shouldn’t she have kept some for baby number 2??! What if it’s a girl!?

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