
Samantha Ronson’s Fam Seeking Restraining Order.


This new report furthers the proof that Lindsay Lohan’s statement of “taking a breif break” is nothing but a bunch of crap!

Apparently Sam’s mother, Ann Dexter Jones, and (hot) twin sis, Charlotte, showed up at the Beverly Hills police station asking advice on the best way to keep the troubled starlett away from the DJ.

The authorities told them their best bet would be a restraining order, and gave them the info on receiving one.

Apparently Charlotte was heard telling the authorities, “She does these things to get attention. She was trying to get into my party this weekend. We had to tell security to keep her out. Then she booked a room at the Chateau Marmont. Her room was right below… She also followed our brother Mark around.”

Lindsay released a statement yesterday saying they pair was “taking a breif break so she could focus on her career,” but a restraining order and changed locks means more like stay the F away from me.

At least Lindsay can float down denial river with Chris Brown!

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