
Dumped, Humiliated, Broke, Suicidal. 4 Words Everyone Want’s Next to their Photo on the Cover of a Magazine.


According to the cover above, Lindsay’s friends fear she’s suicidal over her breakup with Sam!

Lindsay talks to UsMagazine about the situation, and she says of her feelings;

“It’s (been) absolute hell. The worst night of my life. I’m not a bad person and this is what happens. I was raised to treat people well, and I’m so tired of this drama.”

Lindsay also feels like her close friends have ditched her during the whole ordeal, adding;

(I feel) so alone. Everyone’s turned on me. I’m a f**king 22-year-old girl who’s in love. I felt like I was in Mean Girls, but worse: Mean Girls was a movie. I’m just really hurt! The whole situation is sick.”

Interestingly enough, when the pair were dating, everyone pegged Samantha to be Lindsay’s downfall, and now that they are broken up, Samantha is seeming like the regular old drama free party and Lohan looking like the crazy one.

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