
O’Riley Pissed Over ‘Crude’ Eminem Joke.


Bill O’riley is upset over a Sarah Palin joke that landed itself on the new Eminem single, ‘We Made You.’

In the video, which you can view by clicking here, Eminem raps his usual diss tactics and slams such celebs as Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, and Sarah Palin.

O’Riley, who only wanted to stick up for Palin of the rest of the bunch, called the joke in which Eminem says he’d “nail” the Alaskan Governor, “crude,” and said;

“Few Americans take the vile rapper Eminem seriously,” he said. “He represents the lowest form of entertainment in this country and is a publicity hound to boot.”

On ‘the factor,’ O’Riley also says he’s surprise that the left wing womens groups havent lashed out about the way he mentions celebs women in the song.

Well one, this is nothing new for Eminem, and two, most people have better things to do anymore than criticize the content of a song, which nothing can be done about.

In fact, Kim Kardashian was flattered to be featured, and just laughed it off.

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