
WHY is Khloe Kardashian so Mad About Apprentice Firing??


The question is not wether or not Donald Trump was right or wrong for firing Khloe Kardashian from the Apprentice because he found out about her DUI arrest in 2007, but more so why does she really care so much about being kicked off of one of the crummiest reality shows for that matter.

Khloe blogged after her firing, “It wasn’t because of my work ethic, it wasn’t because I was slacking — it was because of my DUI, one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made that I will forever regret. I will NEVER say that what I did was right, but I think it is completely unrelated to my place on the show and I don’t think I should have been fired for that reason alone. I have tried to bring awareness to how serious DUI’s are and I am trying to make some right out of my huge mistake.”

She went on to call The Donald a hypocrite pretty much, because of the fact he pardoned Miss USA Tara Connor after her little alcohol mishap and let her keep the crown, but when he found out of Kardashian’s DUI (which how the F did he not know about it already anyways) he immediately fired her from the show.

Khloe, you’re better than The Apprentice, and that’s saying alot!  You’re wealthy, and you can donate to the charity of your choice still.  You have one of the most successful shows on E! (even if Kim’s hott ass pays the bills) you don’t need this crummy network garbage.

Get over it!

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