
How is Spencer Pratt So Rich?


Okay we know the small details.  Spencer Pratt makes 65-70,000 per episode of The Hills, comes from a wealthy family, manages this, produced this, is an all around hustler, but all that made him able to purchase $250,000 of jewelry for his bride to be for their weekend nuptials?

It was first reported that Heidi Montag would be wearing $250,000 worth of borrowed jewelry from Niel Lane when the pair weds in Pasadena this weekend, but now its being said that Spencer actually splurged and bought all of the jewelry her.

HOWEVER, as to be expected, there is questions on whether this ceremony is nothing more than a fake reality television plot line, just like the last one, just a ploy for TV ratings.

In Touch magazine is reporting through an insider, “It’s all set up by the producers of MTV to get people to watch. It’s just a plot line. They’re not really getting married.”

Is the only couple capible of doing so pulling another fast one on us??

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2 Responses to How is Spencer Pratt So Rich?

  1. June 26, 2009 at 11:58 pm #

    Not quite sure, but as Americans, we need to get our priorities straight. There’s no way in hell he should be getting paid 6 figures to parade around day-by-day being a trust fund baby douchebag.

    We can only wait for the day he goes bankrupt and has to run to Daddy for some more loot.

  2. January 29, 2010 at 3:59 pm #

    its funny how people like this think they are a somebody. he has accomplished nothing in life and has had everything handed to him……he will have a rude awakening very soon when the one quarter of one percent of the population who recognize him dont any longer and could care less about him and i guarantee one day he will be bankrupt because he is use to easy money and it wont last cause he is a loser

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