
Slumdog Stars Confirmed as Couple.


It’s really sort of unfortunate for the rest of us, but good for Dev Patel for landing breakout hottie Freida Pinto as his new main squeeze.

The pair were first rumored to have sparked a romance after they filmed this years best picture, Slumdog Millionaire, but both denied the rumors when asked during awards season, using the “brother/sister” cover up

Last week photographers spotted Patel and Pinto having a quiet romantic lunch in Isreal where she is filming a new movie.  Neither of the two have been interviewed regarding the lunch yet, but Patel’s mom has recently spoke of the matter.

Mrs. Patel tells the UK’s Daily Mirror; “First it was the film and now everything else seems to have slotted into place, Life can’t get any better for him,” she adds. “Freida is really beautiful, and I am really happy for them.”

Woops! Was it an accidental slip, or are they just ready to let the cat out of the bag.

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