
Christians are Really Mad at Heidi and Miley.


After the whole Miss California drama that happened last week, Heidi Montag and Miley Cyrus took to their twitter pages to let it be known that they are Christians who support equality and same sex marriages.

Both exchanged tweets with each other, and Perez Hilton over the controversey, and apparently some of the bible humpers over at The Christian Post weren’t having that!

In a new Op/Ed piece posted on the site today, the writer claims that “Miley Cyrus and Heidi Montag are in stark conflict with Jesus Christ and the Bible.”

The rest of the article is just some bible verses and reasons why Miley and Heidi aren’t good Christians, but it begs the question, would it be real good Christian values to ridicule someone’s beliefs and tell them they are not a Christian?

Oh religion!

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