
Why Benji is Better than Doug.


Since Paris Hilton broke up with Benji Madden and started dating Doug Reinhardt, trouble seems to have followed her.

There was first the fight that broke out while in Miami after the DJ at a night club wouldnt play Paris’ request, to which Doug was left with a bloodied fat lip by security, and now a fight last night in Hollywood that started because of her.

Though not her fault at all, it all started when a man at H.Wood nightclub came up and grabbed Paris’ breasts.   Like a good boyfriend, Doug immediately shoved the grabber and a buddy of said grabber chucked a bottle at dougs head.

As some of Doug’s pals jumped in and put the thrower in a head lock, Doug got on top and began punching the guy in the head to which the orignally boob grabber got on top of Doug.

That move sent Hills cast member Frankie DelGado sailing over the crowd of people to kick the grabber in the head before security stepped in and tossed a bunch of people from the club.

All this while the DJ decided it’d be funny to spin Paris’ Stars are Blind.  Priceless!

Might I add though, while Paris was with Benji she was never out at nightclubs starting brawls… Just sayin’.

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