
Fall Out Boy Wants to Un-Curse Their Tour.


After a few trips to the hospital due to injury of crew members, a couple cases of food poisoning, a canceled show, and everything else that could possibly go wrong, going wrong… Fall Out Boy thinks that their current tour is cursed, and is bringing in a Shaman to do a reverse hex on it.

Pete Wentz recently told TheAquariun.com; It’s actually been a little bit cursed. “We have a shaman coming in to bless the tour today, and we’re making the opposite of voodoo dolls, whatever that is. There’s a bit of a hex on this tour, but the show’s nuts. We’re doing anti-rain dances. We’re going to make it happen. We need this show blessed.”

The tour will run for about 2 more weeks before  coming to and end if it doesn’t destruct itself by then.

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