
Titanic Cast Raises Money for Last Known Survivor.


Stars from the movie Titanic have banded together to donate over $30,000 to the last known survivor from the trajic ship accident.

98 year old Millvina Dean is currently living in a nursing home.  She was only 9 months old and the ships youngest passenger when the ship crashed into an ice berg en route to New York, and has lived out nearly 100 years since making it.

Photographer Don Mullan made an appeal to help raise money for Dean in the Sunday edition of the Irish Independent newspaper, by setting up an exhibition to help raise the money.  He also reached out to actors Kate Winslet, Leonardo DeCaprio, director James Cameron, and recording artist Celine Dion, who won an Oscar for her title track to the movie.

DeCaprio, Winslet, and Cameron all reached out to help, while he’s still waiting for a response from Dion.

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