
Paris & Lindsay’s Blame Game.


So this morning you heard about Lindsay Lohan’s near break in, and Paris Hilton’s noise violation, both of which are under investigation by police, and now other parties are coming forward about each event.

In Paris’ case, she has spoke up regarding the keying and egging of cars after a wild night of partying at Dougs new Hollywood Hills pad.

Paris tells a source; “I would never egg anyone’s car, especially to my boyfriend and sister’s [Nicky Hilton] neighbors. My blue Bentley was egged, and so was Nicky’s Ranger Rover.

Neighborhood vandals?  Paps?

If its anything like Lindsay’s neighborhood, then the paps are to blame.

Regarding Lindsay’s alleged break in, neighbors have came forward claiming that there were paparazzi in the area making noise outside hoping to see if Lindsay was home, which subsiquently set off her security system.

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