
Tarantino Talks Inglorious Basterds.


Quentin Tarantion’s latest film Inglorious Basterds will premiere next week (May 20) at the Cannes Film Festival, and in a recent interview, Tarantino claims “THIS ain’t your daddy’s WWII movie.”

The film, which stars Brad Pitt and Eli Roth is about a band of  Jewish-American soldiers on a scalp-hunting revenge quest against the Nazis.

The movie was shot last year in Germany, with a handful of scenes shot in France to help with the authenticity factor.  This film will be Tarantino’s first full length since 2004’s Kill Bill II.

His last film, Death Proof, was part of the Grind House double feature and was accompanied by Robert Rodriquez’s Planet Terror.

As for how good the movie is?  Quentin believes it will show up in the original film category at next years Oscars, and he’s hoping that it can bring home another top award at this years Cannes, which he won in 1994 for Pulp Fiction.

Having Brad Pitt in your movie is never bad for those types of things either…

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