
Ellen Tries to Please Upset Fans.


A bunch of fans who were turned away from yesterday’s Backlot Bash edition of The Ellen Show took to the internet to voice their opinions on being snubbed from seeing a free No Doubt performance after being issued tickets to the show, and now Ellen DeGeneres is trying to say she’s sorry by offering them more.

Apparently the staff over counted the tickets by about 500 and some fans that had been standing in line for 7 hours were left outside with no admission to the show.

My momma always taught me to not complain about something that was offered to you for free even if it sucks, but some peoples mothers just didn’t love them enough as a child, forcing them to get mad about everything.

Being the nice “DeGenerous” person that she is, Ellen has opened up this form on her website offering tickets to her fans again.  Specifically those who were left to dry yesterday.

If you know Ellen, she’ll have an even bigger surprise in store for that day as well!

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2 Responses to Ellen Tries to Please Upset Fans.

  1. May 20, 2009 at 11:28 am #

    Just who is your mama, sounds like a wise woman?

  2. May 21, 2009 at 7:51 am #

    I think your momma wears combat boots

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