
Khloe Kardashian Supports the Gays


Today the California Supreme Court will vote on the reversal of Prop 8, which placed a ban on gay marriages in the state.

Khloe Kardashian posted her thoughts on the subject matter on her official blog this morning, and this is what she has to say;

“Hi dolls. The California State Supreme Court announced yesterday that it will be releasing its decision regarding the fate of Prop 8 this coming Tuesday, May 26.

This is a day that hundreds of thousands of both gay and straight people have been waiting for, a moment that people will always remember…a moment where gay couples are told whether they share the same civil rights as any straight couple, or a moment where they are told they have to continue fighting for their equality.

It disgusts me that this is something that has to be fought for in the first place. Love is love…and the people who voted for Prop 8 cast their vote for hate.

After the decision is made on Tuesday, no matter the outcome, marriage equality advocates will rally all over the country.

Click HERE to find a demonstration near you!!!!!”

Khloes right!

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One Response to Khloe Kardashian Supports the Gays

  1. June 7, 2009 at 7:01 am #

    Wow Kim Kardashdian, what can I say about her other than she is great. Nice article!

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