
Grandma Snubbs Tori for Daughters First Birthday.


Not the way to fix a relationship, Candy Spelling!

Tori Spelling’s daughter, Stella, turned one this weekend and Tori and husband Dean McDermott hosted a birthday bash to celebrate.

On the guest list for the party was Tori’s estranged mother, Candy, who has been very vocal about missing out on time with her grandchildren, and having not even met Stella yet after a whole year.

Candy was first put off by the fact that Tori and Dean would be filming their reality show at the party, but Tori assured her that she would be excluded from all the filming if she wished to be.

Everything seemed fine until whats reported to be about an hour before party time, when Candy Spelling had a change of heart and decided she was not going to attend.   She apparently told Tori of her decision to not attend via email.

Lame!  Stella is gonna read about this one day!   Didn’t Candy Spelling pull this shit once with one of Liam’s parties before as well?

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