
Michael Jackson Demands Neverland Be Re-created in The UK


One thing Michael Jackson wishes he had never lost was his Neverland Ranch.

Michael lost his fairy tale fantasy land in 2005 when the tax man came to collect, but now that he’s heading to london for a 50 show residency at the O2 arena, and staying at a $24 million dollar ranch in Kent, he wants some of Neverland’s magic to be re-created.

British newspaper, The Sun, is reporting; “Michael is quite particular. He’s missed living in Neverland since debts forced him to get rid of it four years ago. He thinks he can recreate a bit of its magic in Kent and concert bosses are happy to indulge him. He loves bowling, so has insisted an alley be created and he’s never lost his love of funfairs, so has demanded one be built in the grounds.”

Could Michael Jackson be good at bowling?   Wouldn’t that be a sight to see!

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2 Responses to Michael Jackson Demands Neverland Be Re-created in The UK

  1. June 8, 2009 at 3:07 pm #

    I wonder if Jackson has bothered to show up at rehearsals. The suggestion that AEG will pay for a carnival to be built on the grounds of Kent estate is not only laughable, but surely the landlord will not allow it – Jackson seems to go out of his way to make any performance of any kind impossible – could it be that he is no longer capable, and he knows it? I feel sorry for the ticket holders, most of whom bought tickets not from official sources, but from collateral sources – they won’t be getting their money back when this whole thing unravels. If he was in such demand, he would have been performing regularly in Las Vegas years ago. This whole thing, like so much of everything he touches now days, is just a complete sham. Right down to the kids who he claimed he fathered with his own “sperm cells.” Go figure, but I’m not holding my breath on one single performace at O2. Sorry.

  2. June 15, 2009 at 1:36 pm #

    He still owns Neverland. The loan was restructured and I believe is owned or was sold by a company named Fortress to another lien holder. Might be wise to fact check.

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