
Linda Hogan Spent Divorce Money on Drugs, Not Pants.


Love excuses for posting this photo, but Linda and Hulk Hogan are battling it out in court this week, and it would appear that Hulkamania is running wild at the moment.

Apparently Hulk has called on some power players who are close to Linda in the divorce and all have been making some rather interesting statements about the former mrs. Hogan.

Her long time hair-dresser, Tracy Morgan, is claiming that Linda has previously bought alcohol for underage kids when throwing a party for son Nick’s release from jail, as well as making arrangements for him to close up the salon early so she could come in privately all messed up on the combination of marijuana and roxycodone pills.

Some other witnesses that took the stand included a man who claimed Linda was a user of cocaine, a man who claims Linda offered to purchase his vehicle with her alimony money.

Lawyers for Mrs. Hogan claimed that there’s no proof that she used her alimony money for any of these claims, and has also submitted a drug test in which his client appears to be squeaky clean, but I think everyone knows the real story here.

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