
Paris’ Ex Threatens Blogger Over Offensive Comments.


Doug Reinhardt apparently doesn’t like when people call him names.

A blogger for a celebs gossip site posted a story this past week that included an excerpt from the Chicago Sun Times which had claimed that prior to their breakup Doug had been freely spending Paris’ money.

Well apparently the nobody doug believes he’s somebody and threatened a suit if that portion of the story wasn’t removed.

Freedom of press buddy!  Sourced and speculated!

Mr. Reinhardt’s people sent the following; “The statements are not only entirely made up but are also entirely false. Doug not only comes from an extremely affluent family but he is also wealthy in his own right, as he serves as the CEO of two tele-mobile corporations, he develops and sells real-estate as well as owns numerous restaurants.”

Great to know.   Notice his failed baseball carreer, and 20 bucks he earned for appearing on a couple episodes of The Hills werent mentioned in his “success”.

Paris is better off.

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