
Get Your Lambert Fix This Summer


Don’t worry about having to wait until fall for an Adam Lambert CD, because one is coming your way this summer.

An album of about 11 or 12 tracks that were recorded previously to his success on American Idol is being released through a local Los Angeles based label, who has had them from 2007/2008.

Of course they must have not thought they were good enough to release back when they were recorded, but now that Lambert is an American Idol staple, their eyes lit up with dollar signs.

And who cares, he’ll get paid too!

In a recent statement, Lambert did however acknowledge that the sounds on this album of tracks coming out will be completely different from the stuff he is wiriting for his actual debut.

Excited to hear!

Wheres your album of previously recorded tracks, Danny Gokey?   Wheres your record deal Danny Gokey?  Oh yea, Alison Iriheta stole it!

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