
Kim Kardashian: Step Away From the Microphone!


You won’t find a bigger Kim Kardashian fan, but I can smell a bad idea from a mile away!

Kim has reportedly been in the recording studio working on some music as of late!

BET has reported that she’s been working on some R&B type material for an album, and when asked before about if she’d ever record an album Kim responded; I’d have to hear a song and feel it out and see if it’s something I’d sound good at. I would like the music to sound a bit like Lady GaGa, Britney Spears and J.Lo with a bit of an R’n’B twist to it… Filming the video would be fun, that would be the best bit…

Paris did it, and though some thought it was okay, most thought it was unnecesary.

Heidi Montag is trying it, and will likely get the same results.

Kim cant expect more can she?

Maybe she’ll prove us all wrong tho?

Kim has confirmed via Twitter that she will be in Vegas tonight for Khloes birthday party if you’re in town!

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