
Rihanna & Chris Asking for Restraining Order to be Lifted?


Here we go!

Last Monday Chris Brown was slapped with a restraining order against Rihanna, making it so he has to be 50 yards away at all times.

On top of that, he got 5 years probation, and breaking the restrainign order would be a violation causing for him to spend up to four years in prison.

Well there’s a rumor going around that Chris and Rihanna are trying to get the restraining order lifted, because they want to work on their friendship.

The judge also urged Rihanna to not contact Chris, because that would be a violation of the order on his part, therefore a violation of his probation, but apparently neither of them listened.

A source tells the New York Daily News; “After (the court proceeding) Ri and Chris talked on the phone for almost an hour and really worked at becoming friends. They’re solid now.”

Hopefully the judge catches wind of this and shows no mercy!   Someone needs to tell Rihanna there’s no reason for a friendship with this guy!!

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