
Chris Brown Cock Blocked at BET Awards


The rumors were that Chris Brown was planning to do the ultimate Michael Jackson tribute at last night’s BET awards, but mysteriously it never happened.  In fact, Chris didn’t even appear to be in the building!

Well apparently Jay Z had something to do with this.    Jay, who performed his new ‘Death of Autotune’ during last night’s awards show reporteldy denied Chris from performing.

After the Rihanna incident, Jay labeled CB as a walking dead man.  If I were Chris Brown, I wouldn’t have been within 10 miles of that awards show.

Even host Jamie Foxx got a stab in at Brown during one of his skits, where he was pretending to be a pregnant woman, and claimed she knows the daddy is Chris Brown, because the baby keeps kicking her.

Browns backup dancer wrote on his blog;  “Jay Z is mad childish, never keep a person from paying there respect.”

It’s okay to punch and bite a woman you’re in love with, but never keep a person from paying their respect…


Check out Jay Z performing D.O.A below.

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8 Responses to Chris Brown Cock Blocked at BET Awards

  1. June 29, 2009 at 3:54 pm #

    I think it’s stupid. Chris Brown should have performed instead of tired Jay-Z. Yes, what he did was wrong but it seems like Rihanna forgave him why can’t society??

  2. July 10, 2009 at 1:03 pm #

    I can agonized with Rihanna and Chris Brown on both sides. I was choked by my husband (at time not married)due to me saying smehting very out the way. It’s been 17 years later,4 children, house, cars and a terrific relationship with GOD. We all make mistakes and if God forgives we should. We are no better than the ones who commit the act in God eyes. The Bible says,” That he is no respector of person.” Thank the Lord for that. Jay-Z was wrong for what he did. What if he were not able to perform for the mistakes he has made; the ones we may know about and the ones we don’t. I bet you he has made quite a few in his young and old age. So we should think before we act and speak, right or wrong!!!!!

  3. July 10, 2009 at 1:11 pm #

    Also I was waiting to see Chris Brown rendition of Micheal Jackson and I was truly dissapointed to see what Jay-Z did. I wasn’t impressed at all.

    Also referring to my earlier comment my HUSBAND has never put is has on my in any way other than the RIGHT WAY ever since.

  4. July 20, 2009 at 3:24 pm #

    I believe what he did was extremely wrong, but what society is overlooking is that he is a 18 years old man who made a mistake. He is more than redeemable. Give him a chance to make good on his promises and if he falters then I can understand the backlash. Tommy Lee did the same thing, he was forgiven and even hangs with a lot of these same celebrities that are freezing Chris out. Tommy was a grown man, but yet he has been provided the benefit of the doubt. Jay Z has hurt families with his drug dealing before rapping days, but society says that is ok to let him make music and dictate how people should treat Chris. Yes, he wasn’t caught in the act, but the deed is still wrong and distructive. The wrong message to the young, Black men in society is that they can’t make mistakes and be forgiven. Let them both get on with their lives and let forgiveness happen.

  5. July 22, 2009 at 12:22 pm #

    First of all who is Jay Z, I don’t understand why everyone is in these two young people business. It’s okay for Jay Z to disrespect women with his language calling women out there name. For one if Rihanna for forgave him why can’t the world. I don’t understand society, you have R kelly malesting kids and no one judge him, you have rapper in and out of jail doing dirt no one judge them Jay Z just stepping up to CB because of the age. Why don’t he step to all these other singer who would step back at him and let him stop them from performing. Yeah what CB did was really wrong but only God, Rihanna and Chris really know what happened between them. World get over it, quit hating and let him make his money.


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