
Bruno Stole From the Weasel?


Comedian Pauly Shore isn’t laughing at comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In fact, he’s about to take legal action against Bruno’s butt!

Shore is claiming that a scene from Bruno, was swiped from his upcoming film, Adopted.

In Bruno, the comedian adopts a child from Africa and picks him up at the airport baggage claim while toting, “Madonnas got one, Angelinas got one, now Brunos got one.”

Well Shore thinks this is way to similar to his new film, Adopted, in which he spoofs on the celebs obsession with adopting foreign babies.

He is saying that scenes from Bruno are too strikingly similar to the trailer of his film.

Celebrity adoption jokes are not new, Pauly.  Good luck with this one!

Check out the trailer for Pauly Shore’s  Adopted below and judge for yourself.

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