
Heidi Montag Offered Stripping Career


Since she decided to pose for Playboy,  NYC Strip Club  Scores has issued a job offer to Heidi Montag, which would let her dance in the nude 5 nights a week.

The club issued a statement saying the following; “Since Montag recently agreed to pose for Playboy, Scores figured the publicity-hungry starlet would jump at the opportunity to be center stage at one of New York’s most entertaining nightclubs.”

Montag would earn $25,000 per week for the gig, and her husband Spencer Pratt would receive a gaurenteed front row seat each night so he could keep his eyes on his wife.

Jesus would not approve though, right Heidi?

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One Response to Heidi Montag Offered Stripping Career

  1. July 7, 2009 at 4:01 am #

    This is not gonna happen…spence would not let it!!

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