
LA Candy Rots Your Teeth


Somehow Lauren Conrad’s L.A. Candy has made the New York Times bestseller’s list. The reality recently told People.com; “If someone said to me five years ago when this all started that I would one day make the New York Times Best Seller list I wouldn’t have believed it.”

We don’t believe it either. In fact we are flabbergasted.

L.A. Candy centers on a beautiful girl who moves to LA only to be tapped to appear in a reality show: cameras follow her everywhere and complicate her life.

This sounds very familiar. Maybe she’s taking the timeless advice “write what you know,” a little to literally.

Did Nostradamus predict this? I feel it may be a sign that the end of the world is near.

Is the fictional reality star as empty, and fame obsessed as the writer (or the person who paid a ghost writer to hammer out the words) of L.A. Candy?

I could only tell you if I had read it, and I’ll read the dictionary before I give that be –otch any of my money.

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