
Vanessa Hudgens Stripped for New Film


All of the Disney stars are searching for more mature roles now that they’ve graduated from High School Musical, Vanessa Hudgens being the latest.

Though she is no stranger to being caught in a controversey, with a nude photo scandal under her belt already by the young age of 20, Vanessa will be the latest Disney star to take on an adult role.

Basically, that means Vanessa nude 2.0 could be right around the corner!!

In Sucker Punch, V will play the role of a foul mouthed prostitute.

She says in a recent interview; “I’m playing a character named Blondie and its set in a brothel in the 1950s, so there’s not a whole lot of clothes.”

Sucker Punch is listed with a March 25, 2011 release date, and supposedly a hyper violent spin on Alice in Wonderland.

Think Hilary Duff as Yonica Babyyeah in War Inc. with a few more swears and a little less clothes.

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2 Responses to Vanessa Hudgens Stripped for New Film

  1. August 5, 2009 at 9:00 am #

    You must admit that Vanessa Hudgens is just CRYING OUT for attention. If this nonsense isn’t proof enough then her new nude topless pictures (Aug 09) should seal the deal. But you know she is hot so who’s complaining?

    Don’t believe it? Then see

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    and THINK AGAIN. Heh Heh Heh!


  1. Publicist Shoots Down Vanessa Hudgens Nudity News, Buzz Surrounding Movie - July 14, 2009

    […] The original title of this post was going to be “Good News For Vanessa Hudgens Fans Tired of Photoshopping Their Own Naked Pics of Her” but a quick trip to IMDB to check who’s helming her upcoming Sucker Punch (it’s the guy who did 300 and, I just learned, a Morrissey video) quotes several sources saying “forget it.” She’s not going to be playing one of those naked-type strippers. In our defense, we didn’t know yesterday. […]

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