
Real Housewives of Orange County Add Another Blonde


Bravo’s The Real Housewives Of ___, the hit show about clueless rich women will return to its (dyed blonde) roots, going back to Orange County. The fifth season is underway with Tamra Barney, Lynne Curtin, Vicki Gunvalson, Jeana Keough and Gretchen Rossi returning to the show.

But there’s a new chick in town! Who is the latest member of Orange County high society to make their life a public charade?

The newest member is Alexis Bellino! Bravo calls her “spicy”, she’s blonde, likes to work out, and I assume she is turned on by money and fast cars.

Bellino is married to an entrepreneur and is originally from Missouri. She and her husband have three children- a 3 year old and 20-month-old twins.

Now that Gretchen is a sophomore she can start giving Alexis hell for being fresh meat. Let the drama begin!

Picture via: Bravo TV

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One Response to Real Housewives of Orange County Add Another Blonde

  1. July 14, 2009 at 2:37 pm #

    My mind explodes whenever I watch this show. “That mother of two is the color of a traffic cone and she just said ‘benjamins’ BLAARGHAHRGRVOOTHIPPTHP!JHY!G!YT!6

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