
Guns N’ Roses-Leaking Blogger Sentenced In Court

Here's the original robot-rapist artwork for the first album

Here's the original robot-rapist artwork for the first album

What’s the only thing worse than Islamic terrorism? Chinese Democracy!” – American’s Funnyman, Neil Hamburger

A blogger who just wanted to help promote Guns N’ Roses by giving away their new album has be sentenced in a Los Angeles court to a year’s probation and two months house arrest. So a blogger can’t leave his house for two months? That’s a punishment? He wasn’t going to leave it anyway.

In addition, the leaker, Kevin Cogill, must record an anti-piracy PSA. Maybe it’ll go a little something like this:

“Hi, my name is Kevin Cogill, and I would like to talk to you about digital music piracy. What you might think is a harmless way to warn people about spending money on a GNR album without Slash is not, in fact, a victimless crime. As I sit here before you, furloughed from my own apartment prison, I ask that you remember: this could be you. Get off Limewire. You’re much safer on a private torrent tracker.”

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