
Twilight Comic Book Last Thing to Finally Cash In On Twilight Phenomenon

twilight-manga_l11Remember when zombies were all the rage a few years ago? There were like ten billion zombie movies (Shaun of the Dead, 28 Weeks Later) and books (World War Z) out at the same time. Well, vampires are the new zombies! (Although the Thriller video is definitely making a resurgence, wonder why.)

Thanks to Twilight‘s popularity, we’ve got True Blood on HBO, Buffy the Vampire Slayer coming back to the big-screen, and Robert Pattinson‘s pretty little face on every last gossip website and magazine. (Not that I’m complaining!) And now, EW reports, there’s a Twilight graphic novel in the works. You know, for fans of the movie who theoretically want to read the books, but are too stupid to imagine what the characters look like.

Check out the sample sketch above – who’s hotter? This guy, or Pattinson? At least this version of Edward looks like he showers once in awhile.

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  1. Who is this Vampire and What Has She Done with Kim Kardashian? - July 16, 2009

    […] told you vampires were everywhere! Little did I know the trend would trickle down to even the D-listers. But seriously, Kim is […]

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