
Point and Stare at ScarJo in Iron Man 2


Entertainment Weekly‘s issue this week gives readers a sneak peek at Iron Man 2, and includes this picture of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow.

Iron Man 2 follows the extremely popular 2008 film about a billionaire engineering industrialist who builds a suit of armor to blow up terrorists. The sequel will see Iron Man having to battle it out with two new foes, played by Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke. It’s set to release May 7, 2010.

Scarlett Johansson plays Tony Stark’s (Roberty Downey, Jr) new assistant (Pepper Potts gets promoted, go feminism!) who has an alter ego as Black Widow.

Tony Stark spent millions on building his superhero costume, Black Widow spent $15 on a weave and a stopped by Express for a black catsuit. The Black Widow halloween costume at Wal-Mart will end up looking better than this.

Picture via EW

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