
Jennifer Love Hewitt Saved from Worst Marriage Proposal of All Time


Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jamie Kennedy are not, I repeat, are not engaged, despite reports to the contrary.

Jamie was doing a set at the Laugh Factory on Saturday night, and J-Love was watching from the audience. A heckler shouted out “Marry her!” probably because he couldn’t take Jamie’s jokes any longer. Jamie then got down on one knee and proposed. Everyone applauded.

Thank god their reps are saying they’re not engaged and it was just a joke. I couldn’t handle the inevitable Us Weekly wedding spread, or more shots of Jennifer in a bikini on their honeymoon. Not because I think Jennifer is too skinny or too fat or just right. I’m just completely over her flaunting either “what her momma gave her” or her “fit new bod!” depending on how much she ate or didn’t eat that day.

Also, proposing during as comedy set = worst marriage proposal of all time? The answer is yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

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