
Britney Gets Lazy, Makes Commercial from Music Video Outtakes

Britney‘s got her act together finally, which means she can go back to promoting products besides her ten jagillion fragrances. But B-girl’s latest Candie’s shoes commercial is as boring as her music video for “Radar”. And that’s no coincidence, since it’s baaaaasically the exact same thing.

B’s team must truly must be terrified another breakdown is on the horizon, because they’re milking every single minute Britney is on set. “We have her for three hours? Okay, let’s get a music video and a commercial out of the way. How about a photo shoot? No time? Okay, we’ll just drop her in front of a green screen and do the next few ad campaigns like that. In fact, let’s just put her on tour as a hologram. No one will know the difference.”

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