
Heidi Pratt to Sing at Miss Universe Concert; Give Audience a Good Time to Get Up and Go to the Bathroom


Heidi Pratt is scheduled to perform at the Miss Universe pageant this year, which will air August 23. And by ‘perform’ I don’t mean she will prance out onto stage, looking pretty while people take pictures. She will sing “Turn Ya Head” from her new album Unleashed.

I’m surprised Heidi isn’t booked solid at the Iowa Rhubarb Festival, or the Tupelo, Mississippi Lion’s Club banquet hall.

Here’s a tip Miss Universe contest- when you are already viewed as dubious, don’t book punch-line fame whores to sing in your pageant.

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One Response to Heidi Pratt to Sing at Miss Universe Concert; Give Audience a Good Time to Get Up and Go to the Bathroom

  1. July 23, 2009 at 5:27 pm #

    Remember when Eddy Money played at the Brentwood Cornfest? And then remember when Juice Newton came the next year. Well it went downmarket this year (blame it on the Wintry Economic Climate, if you must) and has headliners Cowboy Crush, Los Del Pueblo and Ralf Woodson- THE Jimi Hendrix Tribute.

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