
Somebody’s Clearly Not a Michael Jackson Fan


Michael Jackson’s popularity has only gone up since his passing – except for one bitchy person.

Rupert Everett, the dude who keeps playing the gay best friend in pretty much all his movies, talked smack about the late King of Pop to Britain’s Daily Mirror.Why were they interviewing this guy to begin with is my first question. But interview, they did, and this is how Rupey honored the dead:

“He was a freak,” Everett told the Daily Mirror. “I think it was fortuitous that he died. He looked like a character from Shrek. He was a black to white minstrel.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Rupert Everett. Them’s fighting words. Good thing you didn’t mention an unkind word about you and Michael’s shared love of plastic surgery, otherwise we’d be introducing your face-lifted pot to MJ’s kettle.

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