
Twilight is Everywhere, So Just Bow Down and Worship Your New God


Need more Twilight in your life? I don’t see how, since it’s everywhere already (including Comic-Con, which starts today with a peek at New Moon). Well, now you can wear your unashamed obsession (or guilty pleasure, depending on how old you are) all over town!

Nordstrom is releasing a Twilight-inspired clothing line. The graphic tees will have quotes from the films/books, and jewelery will be made up of imagery from the Twi-world, like the Edward Cullen crest. Be the most stylish gal in your 7th grade class!

Twilight clothing, comic books and perfume still not enough? You can also eat Robert Pattinson in chocolate form! It will be almost like biting him for real. Except for all the calories.

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