
$5.5 Million Belonging to Michael Jackson Returned to His Estate


Have you read Scott Smith’s masterpiece A Simple Plan? It’s about a couple brothers and some goofball who find a crashed plane containing a whole lot of cash. They resolve to keep their discovery a secret between them, but then a whole bunch of stuff goes wrong. A lot of people get shot. An old lady even gets hacked to bits.

I’m asking because a Michael Jackson financial advisor, Dr. Tohme Tohme (do you think his R & B band would be called Tohme, Tohmy, Tohmi?) just turned over $5.5 million in CASH that the late singer had stored at his office at the singer’s behest. I’ll tie this into A Simple Plan after the jump:

What I’m saying is that Dr. Tohme^2 probably didn’t feel safe keeping a secret within a social circle that includes Joe Jackson, the other Jacksons, Dr. Death, witch-doctors, Uri Geller, Debbie Rowe and the Nation of Islam. I’d be unloading MJ’s cash ASAP as well. The bold names in the first sentence would be tripping over themselves to kill me in my sleep for it.

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