
Jennifer Lopez is a Cry Baby over her Birthday


Jennifer Lopez, in true diva form, always has to be upset about something, even on her birthday. That’s the Diva Code. Seriously, you ever see Mariah Carey or Beyonce look genuinely happy? No, they’re always pissed off about something straying from their pitch-perfect vision. So what was the horrible, devastating thing that happened that left the birthday girl, according to a partygoer, “visibly upset and embarrassed”?

Says the b-day basher: “Jennifer’s party was very intimate, and there were a noticeable amount of empty seats when the dinner started. Jennifer was really irritated. She was fuming because people were late, and complained about it really loudly to Marc.”

God forbid people come to a party late. Have you ever showed up to a party early? It’s humiliating and incredibly awkward. The host is trying to make small talk while filling the bowls with chips and salsa and tidying up the house while you’re just standing there with a bottle of wine in your hand, waiting for anyone else to show up.

Okay, I bet J-Lo wasn’t doing any of that for her party, but if it helps the late party attendees any, Jenny probably wouldn’t be happy in any scenario. Because she’s turning 40 and the only thing a diva detests more than latecomers is Father Time.

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