
Paris Hilton Dating a British Comedian; Or Is That Just the British Sense of Humor?

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton is rumored to be in relationship with an unlikely match: British comedian, David Williams, star of the show Little Britain

The two have gone out on several dates, and reportedly talk on the phone for hours. 

Paris met the 37 year-old comedian while she was in London filming her TV show Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend. (I love how if you win BFF in the UK version you are only the token British friend. “Of all my friends who are British, you are the best!)

News of the World is reporting that Paris considers Williams a step up from dating LA club douche Doug Reinhardt. I agree, but only because Doug Reinhardt wasn’t much of a catch. Does anyone in America really know who David Williams is? I have a feeling that David Williams might only be Paris’ British Best Boyfriend “Of all the guys I’m dating who are British, you are the best!”

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