
Jackson’s Last Breakfast

Granola Photo Fruit 400 (2)Brice

Hey, it’s a slow news day.

Michael Jackson’s personal chef is coming out of the kitchen and revealing all. Well, if by all, she means that his non-appearance at breakfast on the day he died was suspect.

We smell a book deal: “My boss, Michael Jackson. The Corn Flake days.”

Jackson’s personal chef, Kai Chase, had been hired by the superstar to feed him healthy food (not Jesus Juice) in preparation for his upcoming tour. In an interview with The Associated Press, Chase says that she routinely prepared juices (not Jesus’) and granola for Jackson each morning. When he didn’t appear that morning, she knew something was up. Wow… this chef sounds like a brain surgeon.

And here’s another shocker: Chase says she often saw Dr. Conrad Murray coming and going from the mansion and into Michael’s bedroom. And – here’s the shocker – that he often stayed the night.

That’s a whole ‘nother book.

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