
Did Kanye Destroy ‘Tush & Bush’


Reggie Bush may not have said anything about his breakup with Kim Kardashian yet, and Kim has took the diplomatic route and not placed the blame on anything but busy schedules, but could she have actually been to blame?

According to a source, “Reggie saw text messages on Kim’s phone from Kanye West and flipped out on her. The texts referenced a night they hung out, how much fun he had, how hot Kim was, and more racy things that got Reggie’s imagination running.”

Apparently that is what triggered the trust issues on both sides and they decided they could not move forward.

Was Reggie just over-reacting for nothing?  Did Kim get a little too close to Kanye?  It remains uncertain, but either way, Thank you Kanye!

There’s no need to worry about a Kim/Kanye romance, there’s just no way that would ever work!

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