
Futurama Stars Re-Up! Not Coke, Their Contracts


Previously on Starzlife writes about Futurama, Fox told the original voices to drop dead. In so many words.

This week on Starzlife writes about Futurama: it’s cool, j/k, come back, here’s the money!

The five “Futurama” cast members — John DiMaggio, Billy West, Katey Sagal, Maurice LaMarche and Tress MacNeille — have just sealed pacts with 20th Century Fox TV to return to the show as it reboots with 26 new episodes for Comedy Central.

I wonder if Billy West would have come back regardless to do every voice on the show. You know, like how he started doing Ren AND Stimpy after the creator/genius behind that show, John Kricfalusi, got axed by Nickelodeon. To be honest, I might have been more inclined to watch the show if that were the case.

Source: Variety

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