
Madonna’s Voicemails To Ex Reveal A Needy Lover


Thought Madonna wore the pants in the relationship?

Guess again. Secret new voicemails and love letters reveal a needy, whining girlfriend!

From 1993 to 1994 (call them her ‘Erotica’ years), Madonna dated former security guard Jim Albright. Now, faxes and voicemails from that period are going up for auction – and we’re guessing Aunty Esther ain’t happy about it!

Why? Some voicemail highlights:

9:43 p.m.You know you got a lot of nerve saying I was weak in “Shanghai Surprise.” At least, you know . . . I took a chance. You gotta start somewhere. Which is more than I can say for some other people I know. You know what I’m saying? Man, you know what I’m saying, man? Eh?”

Madonna confronting her man about her performance in Shanghai Surprise? Priceless!

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