
Twilight Author Accused of Plagiarising What Must Be One Crappy Vampire Novel


If you steal, shouldn’t your work be good? “Talent borrows, genius steals,” right? Wouldn’t that mean Stephanie Meyer neither borrows nor steals?

The Mormon celibacy-parable scribe is being accused of lifting passages for Breaking Dawn (we didn’t read it – is that the one where Bella campaigns for an amendment banning gay marriage?) from Jordan Scott’s The Nocturn.

J. Craig Williams, who represents “The Nocturne” author Jordan Scott, told Reuters by phone that the passages in question involve few word-for-word similarities but that the two books have similar plot and character points.

Meyer’s publisher, Hachette Book Group, called the accusation meritless, saying “The Twilight Saga” is entirely Meyer’s creation and that she knew nothing of “The Nocturne.”

I believe Stephanie Meyer. Even though it pains me that someone who tithes their massive income to a mind-control cult that believes Native Americans are descended from magic, evil Israelites generates so much money for those goons,  Stephenie’s religion is where she actually got the idea to string together a bunch of lies about imaginary ghost powers and make millions selling it. Not from some other idiotic vampire novel.

Among the “similarities” alleged between the two novels are scenes of “a wedding, a sex-on-the-beach episode and a passage where a human-turned-vampire describes the wrenching change.” Yeah, well, Bella marries her abusive boyfriend in the book; wouldn’t a wedding make sense? You ever seen anything vampire-related where a human who switches over doesn’t describe the “wrenching” change? And who the hell doesn’t like a sex-on-the-beach when mojitos are unavailable?

Stephanie’s the victim of a cash-grab, here. And California is a victim of her horrid church. Paying for Twilight = eating at Coyote.

Source: Reuters

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One Response to Twilight Author Accused of Plagiarising What Must Be One Crappy Vampire Novel

  1. August 4, 2009 at 5:56 pm #

    Wow, who ever wrote this piece is a real jerk.

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