
Jaime Pressly Denies Peeing on the Ground in Public


Jaime Pressly was celebrating her recent engagement surrounded by people who can’t legally get married at West Hollywood’s Abbey when it appeared that she – and I apologize for such language – squatted down and peed on the sidewalk.  You’d have to be pretty drunk to do that, considering the woman’s bathroom at the Abbey is never full.

But wait! She wasn’t actually going to the bathroom in public like someone just freed from a cage. To hear her say it (via Twitter):

Yes….that is me doing dare #8 at my bridal shower..Things are not always what they seem.. Notice my hand in the back..its pouring a bottle of water!!! C’mon guys! Do you think i would really pee in the entry way to the Abbey in broad DAYLIGHT!

Well, according to a poll on the Huffington Post right now, 45% of people do in indeed think she did it. I wasn’t one of them, Jaime! I voted “no” twice.

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One Response to Jaime Pressly Denies Peeing on the Ground in Public

  1. August 12, 2009 at 3:23 pm #

    The entry way to the Abbey has seen worse things that Jaime Pressly’s urine

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