
Beyonce Pulls a Stewie


Boy, Starzlife sure is gay today.

Beyonce will go Sapphic (I almost wrote “go rug-muncher” but decided to keep it classy) in her next flick, an American re-make of the British Tipping the Velvet. Here’s the IMDB plot summary for that film: 

Set in the 1890’s, [Tipping the Velvet] tells the lesbian love affair between male impersonator music hall star Kitty Butler and Nan Astley.

Page one re-write! Who the hell is Kitty Butler? Gerard Butler’s mother? While we’re on the subject, who the hell is Nan Astley? Rick Astley’s grandmother? Who does Beyonce play? The cross-dresser? Which one’s the cross-dresser?

Source: MediaTakeOut – feel free to browse the comments section if you’d like to fear for the future of America

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